Friday, January 29, 2010

The Anybody Interviews: Introduction

   Have you ever been intrigued by watching "Inside the Actors Studio" with host James Lipton so quizzically interviewing each guest, a working actor or big name celebrity, for over an hour? One stage, one small secretary type desk, two seats, the interviewer, the interviewee, and hundreds of students & guests eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse into the personal lives of celebrities who so generously gives their time to Pace University's program. It was my fascination for this show that posed a question, more than once, in my mind: What about regular people? What about the limo driver that drives those celebrities TO those interviews, what about HIS story? What about the crew that puts on the whole show of lights & keeps the water glasses full, don't they deserve to be heard?

   I have always been a girl who roots for the under-dog, no question! In fact, (side note) I will be pulling for the Saints to have the big WIN in this upcoming Super Bowl! If you know me, you know I have a deep compassion for "the little guy" in the fight. That being said, I went a step further in my question about 'Inside the Actors Studio' and wondered what it would look like if we did those sort of interviews in the everyday life we experience.

   Think about this... there are around 6.8 BILLION people in the world. Celebrities only make up a tiny miniscule part of that population, and that leaves the rest of us. Some ordinary people end up extraordinary heroes in their own right, and end up landing interview stints with Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, Oprah, 20/20, and 60 Minutes, just to name a few. However, that is only a stint and then they are forgotten. Their 15 minutes of fame are shortly lived. Some may get a book deal or even become part of a documentary, but over time they become "nobodies" to society again. Unless you have some incredible talent, made an incredible rescue, have beaten incredible odds, or have something incredibly wrong with you... to society, you may never be "a somebody".

   Well... today, I am changing that! The purpose of this blog is to interview the "anybodies" of the world and to hear their stories. While it may be said, "...they won't interview just anybody..." about the celebrity news journalists... I WILL! Of course, I understand that I will never interview every living person in the world, but I intend on interviewing plenty of them! If I could just shine a light into the lives of people we pass along the street everyday, maybe we as a society will stop thinking of people as "nobodies" and "somebodies" and consider ourselves equal as "anybodies" together! It would certainly make for a more peaceful way of living, anyway.

Follow my blog to read the first interview coming soon...